In Alabama — the state with the highest proportion of black voters on Super Tuesday — 72 percent of African American voters backed the former vice president, the poll showed.


How will the evangelical vote affect Mitt Romneys chances on Super Tuesday? - video with english and swedish subtitles.

The elections will award 1344 delegates for  24 Feb 2020 Well, a whopping one-third of this year's presidential delegates are at stake as 14 states—Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine,  4 Mar 2020 Former US Vice President Joe Biden has made a strong comeback in the race to pick a Democratic presidential candidate.He is projected to  4 Mar 2020 Biden surges with victories in nine Super Tuesday states, including Texas as Sanders takes four, including California. 2 Mar 2020 More than one-third of delegates up for grabs as 14 states head to the polls. 3 Mar 2020 On Super Tuesday, 14 states and one U.S. territory will make their picks for the Democratic primary. 3 Mar 2020 Joe Biden seized control of the Democratic presidential contest with a string of Super Tuesday victories over Bernie Sanders, as voters across  3 Mar 2020 On Super Tuesday, 34 percent or 1357 Democratic delegates were up for grabs across the country including in 14 states and American Samoa.

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2016 — Det amerikanska primärvalet fortsätter i morgon med Super Tuesday. De konservativa kristna förväntas avgöra om det blir storslam för Donald  13 sep. 2020 — It's been a terrible stretch of wildfires in the West. There is some good news ahead, for some.

Sweden's Failing Welfare State · Featured Sweden's Failing  Its been exactly 8 years (to the day) since I've moved to Sweden.

Super Tuesday is the United States presidential primary election day in February or March when the 

ET and close at 8 p.m. ET. Texas.

Super tuesday states

Super Tuesday 2020 Results. Some states, like California, are still counting votes, but after Super Tuesday, a clear picture of a two-man race emerged. Mike Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren have dropped out, so their delegates are not counted below. State-By-State Breakdown.

Super tuesday states

Here's when polls open and close, and how many delegates are at stake, in each.

SUPER TUESDAY FACTOIDS. On March 13, 1984, the first official Super Tuesday was held with nine states, American Samoa and Democrats abroad participating. This year, the Southern states of North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Arkansas account for 356 Super Tuesday pledged delegates — over a quarter of the day’s available delegates. 2020-02-29 · The phrase "Super Tuesday" first emerged in 1980, when three Southern states — Alabama, Florida and Georgia — held their primaries on the same day. It grew to nine in 1984. NORFOLK, Va. -- Former Vice President Joe Biden landed in Virginia on Sunday ahead of the state's Super Tuesday contest with new momentum after a decisive win in South Carolina's Democratic primary.
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Super tuesday states

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American Samoa. On Tuesday, 14 states and U.S. territories will go to the polls on Super Tuesday to help determine which Democratic candidate will receive the Democratic National Committee's nomination.
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Coming in to super Tuesday, Biden's team would have been happy to come close to Bernie in California and beat him in the Southern states. This is how it seems to be panning out in what has been a

C Three Super Tuesday states have a higher percentage of foreign-born people than the national figure of 13.7%: California (26.9%, the largest share nationwide), Massachusetts (17.4%), and Texas (17.2%). Alabama has the smallest share of a foreign-born population (3.3%) of any Super Tuesday state. This is a crucial victory for Sanders, who has won just three other Super Tuesday states.