機能的自立度評価法 - Functional Independence Measureの略; 連合アイデンティティ管理 - Federated Identity Management の略; Facing Identification Mark - バーコードの一種。アメリカの郵便物で、切手の左隣に付けられる。 マイリトルポニー〜トモダチは魔法〜 - Friendship Is Magicの略


Functional Independence Measure Construct: Care-recipient functioning in an array of domains Description of Measure: The severity of care-recipient functioning and impairments may be determined with the Functional Independence Measure (FIMSM; Uniform Data Set for Medical Rehabilitation, 1996).

reliabilitet? - översättning och testning för svenska förhållanden? Generiskt. Functional Independence Measure (FIM) (Keith et al. 1987).

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engelska benämningar svenska benämningar adjacent value närliggande värde alternative hypothesis noll- och alternativhypotes analysis of variance, ANOVA. Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM). 18 CBS är översatt av en svensk läkare och Functional evaluation: the Barthel Index. Md State Med J Brorsson B, Hulter Åsberg K. Katz´index of independence in ADL: reliability  The Prosthesis Evaluation Questionnaire (PEQ) was developed and psychometrically validated to provide functional outcome measures  Bath ankylosing spondylitis functional index, BASFI ..

Clin Rehabil 2001 SAMMANFATTNING PÅ SVENSKA (Summary in Swedish)… Conclusions: FIM assessments showed high inter-rater agreement for the Data Set for Medical Rehabilitation (adult FIM), version 4.0(Swedish version 1994).

av Å Lundgren Nilsson · 2006 · Citerat av 1 — Listen; På svenska Characteristics of the functional independence measure in patients Abstract: The Functional Independence Measure (FIMTM) is an internationally widely used outcome measure, measuring disability in 

Spinal Cord Independence Measure, version III: Applicability to the UK spinal cord injured population. Engelsk titel: Spinal Cord Independence Measure, version  FÖREDRAGEN TERM.

Functional independence measure svenska

The FIM TM is an 18-item measure of functional independence that yields a motor, cognitive, and total score.

Functional independence measure svenska

: Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation,  Avhandlingar om FUNCTIONAL INDEPENDENCE MEASURE. Sök bland 100261 avhandlingar från svenska högskolor och universitet på Avhandlingar.se. av L Kälvemark · 2009 — Svensk titel: Arbetsterapeutiska insatser för används av hela teamet. Några exempel är Functional Independence Measure (FIM) samt. av M Lundberg · 2018 — Functional Independence Measure (FIM) (Keith, Granger, Hamilton FIM, Barthel Index och Katz ADL Index är alla bedömningsinstrument  complete the legislative framework for internal and external financial control; introduce 'functional independence' for national internal controllers/auditors at both  Tillämpning av Functional Independence Measure® (FIM) med målet att stärka det tvärvetenskapliga och intersektoriella samarbetet i strokerehabilitering - en  Avhandlingar om FUNCTIONAL INDEPENDENCE MEASURE.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77(11):1101-1108. 8. Dodds TA, Martin DP, Stolow WC, Deyo RA. A validation of the func- tional Independence Measure and its performance among rehabilita- tion inpatients. The Functional Independence Measure (FIM)(TM) (Guide for the Uniform Data Set for Medical Rehabilitation, 1996) is the most widely accepted functional assessment measure in use in the rehabilitation community. For over 15 years, the FIM was an acronym for “Functional Independence Measure.” It is still often cited as this in the literature. Medical Rehabilitation in 1983 to measure functional independence of adults.3-6 It was developed to measure the severity of disability and serve as an evaluative measure of outcome of rehabilitation. WeeFIM is an 18-item, 7-level ordinal scale instrument that measures a child’s consistent performance in essen-tial daily functional skills.
Van rysel

Functional independence measure svenska

The FIMSM contains 13 items that assess motor functioning (eating, grooming, bathing, dressing, toileting, bowel and bladder control, transfers, and locomotion) and 5 items that measure The Functional Independence Measure (based on the Barthel Index) was developed in the early 1980s as the central disability scale of the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation in the USA to provide a metric of the burden of care and rehabilitation outcomes (Keith, Granger, Hamilton & Sherwin, 1987 ). The Functional Independence Measure (FIM™) is an assessment tool that is widely used in rehabilitation worldwide (3–6). The FIM™ is applied at the patient level to measure change throughout rehabilitation, at the institutional level to measure outcome quality, and at the national level for performance reporting or quality monitoring. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Read this IEEE Access Article at: http://bit.ly/2samwLM Functional Independence Measurement (FIM) scale that demonstrate a high predictability to right cerebral vascular accident (CVA) patient's discharge site, including home, foster home, and skilled nursing facility. The researchers wanted to find if gait, along with 2009-11-29 The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) is a validated, objective assessment of functional status that is commonly used in rehabilitation centres.

Allärs - Allmän tesaurus på svenska. Svensk översättning av 'functional independence' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online. av I Engblom · 2011 — Jakobstads social- och hälsovårdsverk.
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Den Functional Independence Measure ( FIM) är ett utvärderingsverktyg som syftar till att utvärdera den funktionella statusen för patienter i hela rehabiliteringsprocessen efter en stroke, traumatisk hjärnskada, ryggmärgsskada eller cancer.

My question is: apart from legislative measures, does the Commission intend to take  Typ av verksamhet: Socialpsykiatri, Funktionsnedsättning för vuxna. Antal platser: 28. Talade språk: Svenska, Polska, Ryska. SoL 7 kap. punkt 2 & 3. Visa mer.